Frequent asked questions (FAQ)

Does the communication certificate include the name of all the authors?
No. The communication certificate for authors will be individually issued.

Do all authors have to register and pay the registration fee?
Yes. If an author does not pay the registration fee, he/she will not receive any certificate and the contribution will not be published in the Conference Book of Proceedings.

What are the options for the payment of the fee?
Paypal and bank transfer. The expenses generated by the payment of the registration fee will be borne by the participants, and cannot be shared with the Organization.

What would be the price of registration in a currency other than EURO?
The price will depend on the exchange rate at the time of payment. When you enter the registration, please indicate the amount in EUROS and you will receive information about the currency exchange.

If only the abstract is sent, it will  be necessary to submit a full paper later?

My question is not here, how can I contact to solve it?
You can contact the technical secretariat of the conference through the contact form that you will find here or at: edunovatic[arroba]