Dear colleague,

Welcome to EDUNOVATIC2024 the ninth edition of the International Virtual Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT. We thank all the participants who have participated in previous editions with the exchange of interesting projects, programs and research that are available in open access in the EDUNOVATIC Conference Proceedings.

In this eighth edition of EDUNOVATIC we wish to continue offering an effective virtual platform for the exchange of new ideas, projects and experiences, among professionals concerned with an innovative and quality education. We hope that this conference makes significant contributions in the field of education, innovation and ICT.

You are invited to submit up to 2 original contributions -full paper and/or abstract and/or poster- that will undergo a peer review process. The official language of the conference is English, however proposals may be submitted in Spanish and Portuguese. Accepted contributions will be published in a Book of Proceedings with ISBN and DOI.

On the website menu you will find all the information regarding to the topics, important dates, organization, participation, registration and submissions.

The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite future authors to send original contributions – until October 15, 2024 – to the ninth edition of the EDUNOVATIC Conference that will be held completely virtual on November 13-14, 2024.

We welcome future participants and hope this conference will be an opportunity to share and continue learning together.

The Organizing Committee of EDUNOVATIC2024

Scientific Committee

Dr. Diego Romero Garcia
Graduate and Doctor in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Murcia, where he is an Associate Professor. He has taught various subjects in the degrees in Veterinary Medicine and Food Science and Technology, as well as in various master’s degrees (Wildlife Management, Forensic Sciences, Protected Areas, Natural Resources and Biodiversity), and in the Senior Classroom. He has been coordinator of master’s and doctoral programs, directing more than 50 final degree and master’s projects. In 2009 he received the award for the best subject at the national level of the Open Course Ware for his subject “Alternative Methods to Animal Experimentation”. He currently has a teaching channel: Don Toxikón-YouTube

Dr. Irene Romera Pintor
Irene Romera Pintor received her doctorate in Italian Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid, after completing two degrees in Philology at the same University: Italian and French. Decorated as “Cavaliere nell’ordine al merito della Repubblica italiano”, for her work as a foreign Italianist, she has been Professor of Italian Philology at the University of Valencia since the 1999/2000 academic year as well as a translator, editor and scholar of Renaissance theater. 

– Google Scholar:

Dr. Javier Armando González Lozano
Professor at Tecnologico de Monterrey, has extensive experience in teaching global business, logistics and operations at a professional level. With a master’s degree in management specializing in finance and a doctorate in education focused on innovation, his career spans more than 20 years combining academia with leadership roles in the industry. This diversity of experiences has provided him with a comprehensive view of the economic and business sphere. He has contributed to the field of education through innovation projects and has conducted research in areas such as educational innovation and logistics platforms in global business. 


Dr. Miriam Rodríguez Pallares
PhD in Journalism (UCM), Master in Journalism and Scientific Dissemination (UCM) and Degree in Library Science and Documentation (USAL). Currently, she works as a professor in the Department of Journalism and Global Communication (Faculty of Information Sciences) at the Complutense University of Madrid. Media Business is her main field of study and his area of specialization focuses on the analysis of media content management, with special attention to radio content. 

– Google Scholar:

Dr. José Daniel Sierra Murillo
José Daniel Sierra Murillo is part of the Teaching and Research Staff of the University of La Rioja (UR). He has a degree and PhD in Physical Sciences from the University of Zaragoza, as well as a Disseminator in the Scientific-Technological field related to Physics. In his extensive teaching career, he has carried out various Teaching Innovation Projects, financed by the UR and published through various National and International Educational Innovation Congresses, such as EDUNOVATIC. His present research line is developed on “Theoretical Investigation of Chemical Reactions in the Gas Phase”, as a basis for possible Chemical Lasers. Dissemination is another of his “passions”, through talks and conferences on hot topics in our society.


Dr. Judit Ruiz Lázaro
PhD in Education accredited as a contracted doctor by ANECA (2021, Cum Laude) with International Mention and Extraordinary Doctorate Award, from the Complutense University of Madrid. Nominated for the EDUCA ABANCA Awards for Best Teacher in Spain 2023. Director of the Master’s Degree in Educational Innovation at the European University of Madrid. Coordinator of the academic model in the education area at the European University of Madrid. Her recent studies and publications focus on university access evaluation in the Spanish context and the analysis of teacher training in Spain.

Dr. Jordi Mogas Recalde
PhD in Educational Technology and Bachelor’s in Information and Documentation with mention in information systems management, along with other postdegree studies. Jordi is a lecturer in the studies of Education at the Valencian International University (professor adjunt), at the Department of Pedagogy of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (professor substitut), and at the Department of Education of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (professor col·laborador). He belongs to ARGET – URV (Applied Research Group in Education and Technology) and his main research lines are: Smart Learning Environments, Virtual Learning Environments and Self-Regulated Learning.

Dr. Sibel Celik
Sibel Celik has been working as assist. prof. at Dicle University State Conservatory in Diyarbakir, Turkey. She completed her MA at Sakarya University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Folklore and Musicology afterward, and her Ph.D. in music education at Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences. Her research focuses on music education, teacher education, multicultural music education, voice pedagogy, and musicology.

MA. Cesar Martín Agurto Castillo
PhD candidate in Educational Sciences at the National University of Piura, Peru. Postgraduate in Direction, Coordination and Management of Programs and Institutions for Literacy and Education for Young People and Adults. Diploma in Design and Development of Educational Modules with ICT by the University of ESAN, Peru. Trainer at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Evaluator of International Presentations of the NOVUS Fund of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Virtual Tutor of the Educational Portal of the Americas of the Organization of American States – OAS.

Dr. Laura María Compañ Gabucio
Post-doctoral Researcher in the Epidemiology of Nutrition (EPINUT) group at Miguel Hernández University (UMH), San Juan de Alicante. PhD in Public Health, Master’s in Public Health, Master’s in Occupational Therapy in Neurology, and Bachelor’s in Occupational Therapy. For the past ten years, she has been part of the EPINUT research group at UMH, studying the diet-disease relationship in various populations and age groups. She has several scientific publications in JCR-indexed journals (Scopus H-factor = 10). Currently, she teaches in the Master’s in Occupational Therapy in Neurology program at UMH, in the Public Health subject of the Occupational Therapy Bachelor’s degree program, in the university extension course “Cómo Hacer un TFG y no morir en el intento”, and she supervises various master’s theses.

Dr. Laura Torres Collado
Assistant Professor at the Miguel Hernández University (UMH), San Juan de Alicante. Post-doctoral Researcher in the Epidemiology of Nutrition (EPINUT) group at the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBER-esp). PhD in Public Health, Master’s in Public Health and Bachelor’s in Nursing. For the past eleven years, she has been part of the EPINUT research group at UMH, studying the diet-disease relationship in various populations and age groups. She has several scientific publications in JCR-indexed journals (Scopus H-factor = 14). Currently, She teaches at UMH in different Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, Occupational Therapy and Podiatry, as well as in the Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy in Neurology and the Master’s Degree in Public Health. 

Dr. Juan Carlos Ríos Fernández
Assistant Professor at the University of Oviedo. He belongs to the Department of Energy and his area of expertise is Thermal Machines and Engines. He is also part of the Fluiddynamics and Energy Engineering Research Group and the University Institute of Industrial Technology (IUTA), as well as various professional organizations related to Energy. In addition, he has contributed to research in the field of energy and process control, which has resulted in the publication of books and articles in prestigious journals. In particular, he has conducted research and participated in projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency. 

Dr. Norma Patricia Maldonado Reynoso
Degree in Psychology, Master’s degree in Communication Sciences and PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Currently she is a full-time professor-researcher at the Center for Economic, Administrative and Social Research (CIECAS) of the National Polytechnic Institute. She participates in the faculty of the Master’s Degree in Scientific and Technological Teaching and in the Master’s Degree in Science Methodology of Sciences, where she was coordinator of this master’s degree from 2014 to 2015 obtaining the recognition as a National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) from CONACYT. ANUIES 2001 award for the Best Master’s Thesis on Higher Education, and the Alfonso Caso medal, awarded by UNAM, for excellence in master’s studies. She is a member of the National System of Researchers / CONACYT, Level 1.  ORCID:

M en C. María Elena Zepeda Hurtado
Graduate in Pedagogy, Master in educational administration and development ESCA-IPN, certified in teaching competencies by SEP-ANUIES. Full-time C professor at CECyT 11 Wilfrido Massieu. Teacher – researcher at the IPN. Her teaching experience has been in various education subsystems in the country. Her line of research is educational, mainly on the impact of innovative and active strategies on learning. She has dedicated herself to the design, coordination and delivery of courses, workshops and diplomas for teacher training and updating. Design of diploma courses for external service to PEMEX, CONAGUA, STC Metro and ISSSTE. Experience in curricular design: evaluation and coordination of the study plan of two technical careers. ORCID:

Dr. Myriam Rodríguez-Pasquín
Full-time Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Murcia and a member of the teaching innovation group “EcoNoEco” (Applied Economics in Non-Economic Degrees) at said university, has obtained the rating of Excellent in the evaluation of his teaching activity (DocentiUM). Her research is carried out, on the one hand, in the field of educational innovation and, on the other, in the digital economy. On the one hand, her works have been oriented towards the importance of active methodologies and ICT in university teaching. On the other hand, she has paid special attention to territorial and gender inequalities, as well as the role that digital skills play in explaining these differences. ORCID:

Organizing Committee

Dr. Thomas Jansen
Dr. Ana Claudia Martins
D. Pedro José Martínez
Ms. Natalia Gutiérrez

Technical Secretariat
Ms. Lourdes Álvarez